Someone's Birthday
Friday, July 11, 2008
Welcome family and friends,
Yes I know this is two days this week that I have updated. I am trying to do better.I had my final day of home psycial terephy so now I start at the center two or three times a week.In all it is going pretty good even though I have a lot of pain and don't listen to people who tell me to please take a pain pill, I am so afraid of them I suffer and then don't get any sleep and am very grouse but this to will pass I hope. Well today someone is having a birthday?????and will turn== years old. I hope you have a very Happy Birthday and many many more. I sent you a card via email and also one via mail, I hope you got it by now but if you didn't it is Father's fault as he kept forgetting to take it to the mail. But he finally did as it is no longer lying here.I am going to lay down for awyhile as I had a good work out today and with little sleep I am tired. So until tommorrow may the angels watch over us all.


Friday, July 11, 2008 | Permalink |