Just For You
Thursday, November 27, 2008
Thursday, November 27, 2008 | Permalink | 0 comments
Thanksgiving Day
Welcome All:

Lets give thanks for this Day that we are alive, and safe in this tough economy and hope and pray things get better.Happy Thanksgiving Everyone!!


Thursday, November 27, 2008 | Permalink | 0 comments
Starting to prepare !!
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Welcome Friends and Family,
Just thought I would drop by for a short update before the Holiday begins.I am busy today trying to get things started for tomorrow Thanksgiving Day. Today I baked my pies which I cheated on, as I bought frozen ones and I should have just did my own. What a mess as the cherry was all broken I should have taken it back as it look awful{hopefully it will taste better than looks.I also baked a pumpkin but I am the only one that eats it so it looks O.K I cooked some eggs to make deviled eggs just need to fix them. We will be snacking until dinner is ready probably around 4'oclock or 5 ish . We don't like to eat a big meal early as then you feel lazy all day long.And want to sleep{LOL} Are you all ready for the big Black Friday I am as I am not shopping I have to work till 11"olock.Our snacks will be cheese and veggies with crackers{ sounds good to me. We my last pies is about done so I should check on it, Oh I forgot to tell everyone our weather is just right for the Holiday a little cold just like back home on Thanksgiving. So until tomorrow when the turkey cries take care.


Wednesday, November 26, 2008 | Permalink | 0 comments
Cooler Weather
Monday, November 17, 2008

glitter-graphics.com Welcome All Cool Weather Friends and Family,
Yes, I finally got a few minutes to update this blog{LOL}
I have been a little busy lately but will try to update today and just maybe keep it up,I am starting to get into the spirit of the holidays, just a little.Today the weather is just a little cool or maybe some would say cold. But it is to get colder in the next few days.I think then it will be the holiday feeling.Ha,Ha, I got most of my shopping all done.
ne just a few more things to do. I went shopping for Thanksgiving and got that out of the way.Now to start my decorating for Christmas.I think I will start to do that this week and next.This turkey is dancing now but not for long.Ha,Ha, Well must go check my clothes and I am making homemade veggie soup so must go check it and finish, so until later have a safe and warm afternoon.


Monday, November 17, 2008 | Permalink | 0 comments
Happy Veterans Day
Tuesday, November 11, 2008

glitter-graphics.com Welcome Back!!
Yea I am back with a short blog. Hope everyone is having a good day. As we all should know today is Veterans Day. I lost my youngest brother in the Vietnam War so today I am missing him much. He was just 18 years old when he was killed in Vietnam , a war we had no business being in. He was so young to have his life end so soon. Just as a lot of young men are losing their lives to fight for our country right now.We should all stand up and be glad we are Americans.I have been busy trying to get ready to start with these holidays that seem to be creeping closer and closer. This year will soon be over and what a year it has been, I think I will do a year in review when it comes closer to the end.But for now please pray for all our veteran live and past away as we celebrate this day in peace which they are fighting for. So for now peace to to all and stand up to be an American. God Bless The U.S.A.


Tuesday, November 11, 2008 | Permalink | 0 comments