Monday, February 26, 2007

Me Again:
Just this for now will blog more later;
Monday, February 26, 2007 | Permalink | 1 comments
Sunday, February 18, 2007

Welcome Cold but not this Cold:
Yes we were cold here yesterday but not is cold as here; This is our place in Pa. where we use to live as you can see the snow is up to the underpaneling of our old mobile home. We had temps. here at the airport offically 38, that is across the road from us. I didn't see and frost as things were busy with what has happened here. It did warm up a little and then last night not that cold but it is raining now and to get mighty cold tonight back down in the 30's. When will it end??? We usually don't stay cold that long as soon we will be complaining that it is so hot so enjoy this for now it really isn't that bad when you consider that we have no snow and ice and relly cold below zero temps.Must cover all my babies tonight as they can't stand cold temps, and if it forst it will hurt or kill them. Right now must go do some laundry and go shopping for dress pants as he has gotten a little bigger and his does not fit. Must attend a veiwing and funeral this week. So until the next time I will leave you with this pics of the cold snow north. God Bless and keep us all safe.


Sunday, February 18, 2007 | Permalink | 0 comments
Saturday, February 17, 2007

myspace layouts, myspace codes, glitter graphicsWith Love
Just a short blog today as it is a very sad day here in our park: The angels have taken our owner to a very happy place and free of pain: He lost his fight with that nasty cancer, as he passed away today; He put up a great fight but just counldn't win over it. Our thoughts are with the whole family today. God Bless you all you are in our thoughts and prayers.


Saturday, February 17, 2007 | Permalink | 0 comments
Thursday, February 15, 2007
myspace layouts, myspace codes, glitter graphicsSorry I'm Late:
I was so late from work yesterday that I needed to rush the rest of the day. I got nothing done, this working two different stores isn't so great and to get use to> I am always home around lunch time daily so I get a lot done but since Tuesday I get nothing done.I am tired as I am not use to it, but helping someone with cancer makes me feel great.I only wish that they could find a cure. As right now the owner of our park has it and is not doing to good it is just a matter of time.It is so sad as he sure has gave a good fight.They held a fund raiser a few weeks ago and raised I think 6000.00 here in the park for cancer research, they went over their quoto from last year.He was last out to any party activies ion New Years, we thought he was doing better but only to learn he is really bad. Hope you all had a very Happy Valentines Day. I hope your sweethearts all took you out for dinner or got you something pretty. Mine did he surprised me with roses.No dinner had to take over the park last night so that ment staying home. Well it is about dinner time now and still don't know what we are having so will close for now and hope you all stay safe and in good health, may the angels help us all. God Bless.


Thursday, February 15, 2007 | Permalink | 0 comments
Saturday, February 10, 2007
Oop's it's Saturday,
This week has went by so fast and I haven't posted in awhile sorry. Today needed a hair cut very bad so did that and then it was off to work again. Thats right I worked today and have to work tomorrow too(bummer). Well not really I can use the extra money have a lot of medical bills that need out of my face. I have insurance but it isn't too good so leaves me with a big balance. Right now I need to go to the doctor's as today my blood presure was out of control, my head just felt like I was standing on my head where all the blood rushes when you do this. I did some laundry and cleaned the house now I am just doing a short blog. Then I will call it a night, and do more later and hope that things cool down with my blood pressure. Hope your angels keep watch over you and keep us all safe.


Saturday, February 10, 2007 | Permalink | 0 comments
Tuesday, February 06, 2007
Alright I know I haven't post for a few days but been busy. and too cold can't get warm. Our weather has been COLD not just cool. All that rain that was in central Florida moved our way and turn it cold and WINDY. If it wouldn't have been so windy it just might have been a little warmer. I think I'll move to FLORIDA>LOL)its suppose to be warmer there.At least it is not as cold as up north, so I guess I'll take this weather.Soon it will be Valentines day here we are almost half way threw the second month already.Nothing much to blog today so at least I did post my little angel on my shoulder is whispering to me to make this short as I got a very bad headache and need to lay back down so I will close for now and hope it goes somewhere else, as I think I am trying to catch something. May all your dreams and cares come true and angels keep us all safe until later take care.


Tuesday, February 06, 2007 | Permalink | 1 comments
Saturday, February 03, 2007

Hello Everyone,
What a cool day it was today as the storms from central Florida yesterday slowly crept our way so today was cool and hardly any sun and no storms or rain. We are to get some rain tomorrow and it is to rain in Miami for the superbowl game. I am rooting for the Bears. I am for the Steelers but they aren't in there this time.The photo I posted now is of my lily it is so big hope it comes back next year or whenever it blooms again I just planted it last week, the bud wasn't open then but opened the other day. I guess my little angel needs to update. They were digging palms up today she is a busy little one.(LOL) need to put my photos from the flicker in but can't so would you help me little angel??My bolg is getting a little long so will close this one for now and hope to see more little angels on and may they be your guide to keep you safe.


Saturday, February 03, 2007 | Permalink | 1 comments
Friday, February 02, 2007

Happy Ground Hog Day. Hope your day has been safe, some of us here in Florida haven't been so lucky, to all those people I feel so sorry for you all. As many of you may have heard there were four tornados that touched down up in central Florida. This is around the Orlando area. Our daughter lives up that way and as of now we haven't heard from her to see if she was around any of these storms. I only pray that she wasn't, they said it was worse than the hurricanes of 2004(which was Hurricane Charlie)And if you all remember she had her roof ripped off in that. Our weather here isn't to bad only windy and very humid they are callin for rain but so far no major storms.They said at least 14 people are dead.As you may have heard that the little furry guy "Did Not See His Shadow "which means a early spring Hey.I will leave you all with this and hope all is safe with everyone, and may the angels keep us all safe.


Friday, February 02, 2007 | Permalink | 0 comments