Thursday, February 15, 2007
myspace layouts, myspace codes, glitter graphicsSorry I'm Late:
I was so late from work yesterday that I needed to rush the rest of the day. I got nothing done, this working two different stores isn't so great and to get use to> I am always home around lunch time daily so I get a lot done but since Tuesday I get nothing done.I am tired as I am not use to it, but helping someone with cancer makes me feel great.I only wish that they could find a cure. As right now the owner of our park has it and is not doing to good it is just a matter of time.It is so sad as he sure has gave a good fight.They held a fund raiser a few weeks ago and raised I think 6000.00 here in the park for cancer research, they went over their quoto from last year.He was last out to any party activies ion New Years, we thought he was doing better but only to learn he is really bad. Hope you all had a very Happy Valentines Day. I hope your sweethearts all took you out for dinner or got you something pretty. Mine did he surprised me with roses.No dinner had to take over the park last night so that ment staying home. Well it is about dinner time now and still don't know what we are having so will close for now and hope you all stay safe and in good health, may the angels help us all. God Bless.


Thursday, February 15, 2007 | Permalink |