Maybe Spring
Thursday, March 27, 2008
Welcome All,
With this maybe spring will stick around for awhile.We had some very cold days lately maybe spring will stick around for awhile, I sure hope so. I like the cool weather don't get me wrong.I hate that the weather gets so hot that we can't stand it but most of it is the humidity here in Florida. I am in the mist of planting and doing a lot of changes.I bought these planters to plant some kind of vine so it vines up my new arbor. Any suggestion? I have a few ideas but don't know just what to plant yet. We got the rest of the blocks last night now to get them in place.So more news my desktop computer died. So now I will have to update my page from here.I will buy another desktop all I need is the tower so until I get one it's this laptop. I also will not be making any scrapbooks for awhile.As I will not put photos on here as they take up too much space.I could do a few posts without photos I might do that. Well that is about it for now,oh I forgot some of our photos have arrived but most are missing. The package was broken on arriveal,so they are checking lost and found if not there we will have to email the company .I want my photos or the money back. With this I will end this update and hope the angels keep us safe and watch over all my faily until we meet again.


Thursday, March 27, 2008 | Permalink | 0 comments
The Lord Has Risen
Sunday, March 23, 2008

Welcome All,
Today the Lord has risen, Holy, Holy.We all have forgot the meaning of Easter anymore things have changed so much.But today the Lord has risen from the grave the stone has been rolled away.Hope you all have a very Happy Easter,we are spending it here alone all t our children are married and on their own, many of them with families of their own. All but one live so far away to spend the holiday with us. Our oldest daughter does,t live to far away but we are in charge of the park we live in so we will spend it here.That's alright as we will be safe and off the roads as many of these snowbirds will be returning to their northern homes and the highways will be busy today and all next week. As the season is just about to wind down, but they will return in six months. Our weather is cloudy and I guess we are to get so more rain which we need.I have been planting new flowers and yesterday my sweetie got me the arbor I wanted and now must plant so vines to cover it, I also got another orchid.What a wonderful and thoughtful man. I Love You so much.Well I guess I should close for now and send some Easter wish via email to all my family so until we meet again May God bless you all and the angels keep us save.


Sunday, March 23, 2008 | Permalink | 0 comments
Spring Has Sprung
Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Good Day Bloggers!!
I have just finished two scrapbooks so I thought since I was in the mood I would update just to let you all know I do still update(LOL) just not enough as my computer doesn't work right have the time. That is why I don't do scrapbooks as much as I would like as I get upset when it will not post my pages.Our weather has been so nice these last few days and spring is just around the corner. I have been planting roses and my mason{husband} has been laying a new sidewalk. I took photos but can't get them to my page will work on that this weekend.Yes it is Easter but it will be another boring day.So will be on here I think. I guess I should start my grill as I am grilling chicken tonight. So until another day enough the weather.


Wednesday, March 19, 2008 | Permalink | 0 comments
Short Time
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
Just a quick note to say I am still here will blog later as it is time to start something for dinner, don't know what yet.


Tuesday, March 11, 2008 | Permalink | 0 comments