Spring Has Sprung
Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Good Day Bloggers!!
I have just finished two scrapbooks so I thought since I was in the mood I would update just to let you all know I do still update(LOL) just not enough as my computer doesn't work right have the time. That is why I don't do scrapbooks as much as I would like as I get upset when it will not post my pages.Our weather has been so nice these last few days and spring is just around the corner. I have been planting roses and my mason{husband} has been laying a new sidewalk. I took photos but can't get them to my page will work on that this weekend.Yes it is Easter but it will be another boring day.So will be on here I think. I guess I should start my grill as I am grilling chicken tonight. So until another day enough the weather.


Wednesday, March 19, 2008 | Permalink |