Problems Again
Sunday, January 20, 2008

You all are probable wondering what problems now,well my new computer is broken. That's right we returned it yesterday they said something is wrong with the operating system.They are to repair it and call, I have been getting all these error messages and haven't been able to get on the Internet since last week,first they wanted to charge me 85.00 deposit then they waved it because it isn't even a month old. Also I am still having health problems, not to bad today but think I got ear infection that is causing me to feel so light headed and half sick.I have been taking Tylenol so I think it is slowing leaving not anything to soon. I am sick of being sick. This photo that I downloaded is from last night's party. It was A NIGHT AT THE OSCARS they held at our clubhouse. We did not go as I didn't want to be around all those people. this is one of the ones that went, they live across from us. Dressed up as Jed and Granny,Elli Mae Clamtped.Well it is time for me to start some dinner so will close for now, hope to see you all back soon.( Stay warm as it is cold down here in SUNNY Florida)LOL


Sunday, January 20, 2008 | Permalink |