Happy Thanksgiving All
Thursday, November 26, 2009


Happy Thanksgiving,
Yes it is me me and I know it sure is a long time since I blogged. But there is so much going on in my life that I don't know some days if I am coming or going. One thing for sure I am very thankful that my husband is alive. As if no one knew but my husband had a heart attack three weeks ago. He is doing quite well, they had to put two stints in the value that goes into the bottom of your heart. At the very end it was blocked 100% and half way up the same one was blocked 80%. My doctor says that it is called the widower because most people don't survive this one. This kind of turned my life upside down. The days all same to run together. Now the holidays are on us and this means loneliness's as all our children are away from us. I guess you just grin and go on with life. Christmas is my favorite time of year so I must get with it soon. Well I could go on and on but must get off here and get ready to leave. As we are spending Thanksgiving with our son-in laws brother and wife. So until next time have a Very Blessed Thanksgiving.May the angels keep us all safe.
God Bless You All


Thursday, November 26, 2009 | Permalink | 0 comments