Tuesday, September 02, 2008


Welcome All,
Just to let you all know we do not like storms. And guess what we got three of them out there. We got Hanna, Ike and Josephine I just hope that they all stay away from all of us.But they all look like they could hit Florida,we have had a very active season so far.But we have been lucky that so far none of they have affected us too much.Our weather has been so hot and humid this year. Don't know how many of you have watched the video I but on my update but I have added a few new photos of when the house was different. I hope all your day yesterday was great. We spent the last day of summer at home and then went to the pool for a little get together before the snowbirds return and went swimming there was about 10 of us there. A few were not there as about twenty of us stay here all year. Well I guess I will close for now as it is about time for dinner we are just having left overs and hamburgs so until tomorrow take care and stay safe.


Tuesday, September 02, 2008 | Permalink |