Fay Came Here
Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Yes as you can see Tropical Storm Fay came here.She made landfall about 30 minutes from us.I am glad she is gone as I sure was scared. The wind as awful and rain was the same. We lost our electric at 5:00 and it was out until 1:00,which wasn't too bad.We were going to go to the hall but decided we could handle it, but next time I am not staying here.They kept telling us to be aware of tornado's and every time the wind blow I that it was going to be it. I sounded awful.I just imaged us flying there the air like kites. She is out of the state now but they are saying she might renter,I just hope if she does she stays away from all of us.Today we are still getting some rain and it is very breezy but I can handle this. My living room looks a dungeon because it is so dark from the shutters and we will leave them up now till the hurricane season is over.I cleaned up our yard today just need to do the back of the house but not until tomorrow as I am tired.He is trimming the tree beside the porch as the storm took the top out of it, I don't like to trim it to much as it protects all my orchids from the sun as they can't have a lot or it will burn them.I just I should see what he is up too.So until later have a great day and stay safe.
Wednesday, August 20, 2008 | Permalink |