Sunday, April 20, 2008
Come On In,
Just dropped by to see my site and it looks great now.My little fairy has been a busy little bee.Its good to have someone that nows more than her mother {on certain things that is}LOL I want back to work on Friday at the other store that I had been doing, as they found more spots of cancer on the other lady so she was going to the doctors on Monday, I worked that store and then Friday don't know just why, but at 10:00 Thursday night they called me to see if I would work there.Our store was not ready so at least I got 3 hr.Our store did finally open at 6:00 Friday night. So kind hearted me offered to work yesterday and today,only because I need the green stuff.As I like my Saturdays & Sundays to do whatever I chose.I need to start the back yard of our place as it looks so good in the front we got to do the back.We are putting a walk way around my flowers with block and then filling in with stone don't know what kind or color yet. Our grass is finally coming back.So now I got roses in the front and orchids in the bad, as you can see I love flowers.As my Dad always said bless his heart: "I want flowers now when I am living as I can't see them when I am gone."
Labels: Roses and Pelican