Wednesday, November 08, 2006
What Court,(Yuck)
You guessed it, yes I got that call for jury duty, what a boring time. I set there today from 9:00 till 11:00 then the court clerk came in and said the one judge was threw for the day so that left one more judge. It wasn't twenty minutes later and she came back in and call out the names of fourteen people and yes I was in that fourteen. We lined up and went to court room 2 stood outside the room for ten minutes then this officer led us inside and we set down only to be told that they made an agreement five minutes before we enter the room.The judge explained that our time was not a waste and thanked us for being there and we could go home.To me this was a waste of my day.Oh well I did my duty and now I will not be called for at least one year. Hip, hip horray.That is about the extent of my fun filled day, now I must get off here and do something not sure what yet but I do have lots I need to do.It is a very nice and a little breeze day today the rain is over for now. I will end this for now and hope you all have a great day until later be safe.
You guessed it, yes I got that call for jury duty, what a boring time. I set there today from 9:00 till 11:00 then the court clerk came in and said the one judge was threw for the day so that left one more judge. It wasn't twenty minutes later and she came back in and call out the names of fourteen people and yes I was in that fourteen. We lined up and went to court room 2 stood outside the room for ten minutes then this officer led us inside and we set down only to be told that they made an agreement five minutes before we enter the room.The judge explained that our time was not a waste and thanked us for being there and we could go home.To me this was a waste of my day.Oh well I did my duty and now I will not be called for at least one year. Hip, hip horray.That is about the extent of my fun filled day, now I must get off here and do something not sure what yet but I do have lots I need to do.It is a very nice and a little breeze day today the rain is over for now. I will end this for now and hope you all have a great day until later be safe.
HA HA HA youu number got called