Sending Get Well Wishes
Wednesday, July 01, 2009
Here is to Our Son!!
We are sending our prayers and wishes for a speedy recovery to our son. He just had back surgery and was in surgery for 8 hours, we all hope he gets back on his feet soon. As he is too young to be off his feet for so long.He got hurt at work almost two years ago and now it is down to doing surgery on his back and having a particle knee replacement after he gets that they can release him from the back surgery.I know that I haven't updated in some time but had eye surgery and now getting that I can see again to get back in the swing of things again. Our weather has been so hot that don't feel like doing anything, so just set around and try to finish the baby afghan that I am making for our new baby that is due in September. We are expecting a new granddaughter. Well time is flying by so fast lately an I must run and get back to my project so will keep you updated on our son.
Stay save and the angels are with you all now and always.


Wednesday, July 01, 2009 | Permalink |