Thursday, April 26, 2007

Welcome I am Back Again:
I know I need to get with it:LOL it just seems that I don't do much anymore but I am not online either only to pay those monthlies and read my crazy emails.I just walked outside and it is hot and humid but I did get some new photos of my orchids that are blooming now. I know wow. Did the one ever bloom yet that I give Jose the last time we were there? I took this cutting from the same one and mine is blooming now. The really big plant this came off of is, the pot that it is in is full and now rotting away need to do something else with it.Well some of our snowbirds have grown wings and flew north so our park is get quieter by the day. Yesterday all I did was answer the door bell with some leaving they are getting rid of there good food and don't want to throw it out so they bring it to us as they know we stay all year. This is good my grocery bill this week will be very small,(save me lots of money). Our weather is getting quite hot and humid again, wish we could get cool weather all year.LOL. Will this update is getting a little like a book and don't want to scare you all away so will close for now and hope to return sooner than before. Take care and be safe.


Thursday, April 26, 2007 | Permalink |