Sunday, May 13, 2007

Welcome One and All:
This is for all you mothers out there and of course my mother the number one in my life: Even though my mother has gone to heaven I know she is watching over me and with me forever and I sure wish she was still with me as I miss her so very much .I think of her daily and more on special days, I wish she could be here to see her grandchildren and great grandchildren as so one will be graduating for high school and one grandchild will be getting married. The last grandchild to marry.Yes our youngest is getting married on June 15Th and my granddaughter is graduating on June 12Th.So we are going home on the 7Th of June for all these events, what a busy week. Hope to take lots of photo's and will post when we return. So for today God Bless you Mom I miss you, and Happy Mother's Day.


Sunday, May 13, 2007 | Permalink |