Working again
Monday, December 29, 2008

Will one holiday is over and now the cleanup beings. I haven/\'t started to tear down my decoration yet but maybe will start tom morrow on some of them in the house.I have been using TV trays to eat on as I didn't want to take my centrepiece down but I just I must soon as the New Year will be here soon.Hope you all had a very nice Christ,mas, we did even though it was boring just setting here by ourselves. We talked to the children early and then it was a very boring day.This Christmas all our children were with their families. Our oldest daughter went to Conn. and seen her brother after 21 years.this made my day. I am so glad things are better now, just hope her problems get ironed out also.Now if are youngest son would get it together and see his brother which is probably just as long as our daughter maybe longer.Everyone needs to spent Christmas together maybe next year. Place not disclosed.Well must check out my email so will close for now, this photo is of another orchid I have blooming now, isn't it beautful? Until later take care and be safe.


Monday, December 29, 2008 | Permalink | 0 comments
Cleaning up Lose Ends
Saturday, December 27, 2008

Welcome Friends and Family
Just thought I would do a short update and post a photo of one of the few orchids I have blooming at the present time I have at least six and some with buds almost out. But this one is so big and it also has a smell to it that you can smell just walking past it.All of them are so pretty I can't chose between them. now that the holidays are almost over I can start to pay a little more attention to them, it is a wonder that they grow as sometimes they do get neglect. I must go now and do something constructive.So until later have a very good and safe day and may your guardian angels watch over you all. God Bless


Saturday, December 27, 2008 | Permalink | 0 comments
Merry Cristmas Family & Friends
Thursday, December 25, 2008 Welcome and Happy Holidays One and All

Hope all got their wishes and are safe and happy this beautiful Christmas Day. We are celebrating Christmas at home alone this year. What with the world in such a mess. Our children are all with their families and we are here alone. It is not much a Christmas as I miss the children so much, I guess that's just a mother thing. So I will hope for the best next year. Until then may all My little angel's enjoy their day.
God Bless All and Merry Christmas


Thursday, December 25, 2008 | Permalink | 0 comments
Holiday Centerpieace
Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Welcome Back
As you can see I have been so busy that I haven't had time to blog or much of anything. Now my hands are really causing me a lot of problems, the other night I woke to not being able to feel my fingers. I think it is just carpultunnelton in both but will have it checked after the holiday if I can put up with it until then. As some days they hurt so bad and feel like little pins running through them all day.Our weather is cool yesterday and today but it will be about 80 on Christmas which isn't Christmas weather. Will must run last minute mail I missed to send out sorry kids your cards will be a little late grandma is getting slower every year. LOLUntil later let those Christmas angels help us through all the bad times we are having lately. Love


Tuesday, December 23, 2008 | Permalink | 0 comments
Waiting for Weather Change
Friday, December 19, 2008
Just a short blog got to run the holidays are coming to fast,can't seem to catch up must hurry got lots to do before Santa comes.So will catch you all on the flip side soon the holidays will soon be over hooray .


Friday, December 19, 2008 | Permalink | 0 comments