Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Step Right In and Stay A spell,
Yes it is me only I changed my header and the style as I couldn't put the things I had on my other site so I decided to create a new one. Here is a photo that I took on Sunday while I was bike riding.The sunrise was so beauitful but today it is winter coats and long pants.We were hit with a blast on cold air. This feels good only this is Florida, don't get me wrong I love cool weather but not cold.It will not last long as it is to warm up by the weekend and then another cool spell. They say the seasons don't change in Florida but they really do. We have had a lot of hot weather this year so this really feels good.Make you want to start the holiday baking.LOL I guess I will end this for now and try to add some of the items back in from my other blog so until we meet again have a great fall afternoon.
Tuesday, October 24, 2006 | Permalink |