My Life Changes
Saturday, October 30, 2010
Hi Just thought maybe this would be good medicine to cheer me up so I thought I would update my blog since it sure been a long time. My life is changing some is good but the news I got wasn't. I learn that I have Cancer and am having a hard time now, especially since I found out Friday it is all over and before I knew it was only one place.This cancer is treatable and I will start Chemo on Monday but maybe sick and lose my hair I know this is nothing but hard to digest.Many and many of folks have dealt with this and survifed and some have lost just pray I will make it.Just Pray for me all my blogger friends. I will try to blog more and update on my progress as much as I can. Take Care and may God and all our angels keep us safe till we meet again.


Saturday, October 30, 2010 | Permalink | 0 comments