Updated Photo
Sunday, August 09, 2009

Come right on in and enjoy our new granddaughter, she is so precious ,I can't wait to see her. The last we heard she is doing OK but still keep her and her family in your prayers. We are planning to leave to visit her and all our family soon. I hope that our other son is doing much better. This is the one that had major back surgery. Our weather here is so hot still it will be a relief to go somewhere it is a little cooler.I am on Face book now so it has been awhile since I updated this. I want to start and make some new scrapbook pages so when done will post on here.Until then may the angels watch over everyone and keep us safe.


Sunday, August 09, 2009 | Permalink | 0 comments
She Has Arrived!!!!!!
Saturday, August 01, 2009


Yes It's Me!!
Sorry I haven't blog for so long. There has been a lot going on in my life this summer and it has been so darn hot here with no rainy season this year. As you can see by my title our new granddaughter has arrived. Quite early she made her entrance into this world at 7:39 this morning.Weighing in at 4 lbs.1oz. she is 17 3/4 inches long doing good at the present time.She wasn't due until the 23rd of September so as you can see see is way early. Her name is Allison Maria, I quess she has lots of hair,black. Can't wait to see her and hold her and give lots of loving,waiting for email photo's of her will post when we receive them.Will time to start so dinner so until later my all my angels watch over our new granddaughter and her family helping her to grow and get stronger so she can come home. God love her.


Saturday, August 01, 2009 | Permalink | 0 comments